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How async coaching can benefit you

April 25, 2024 - 15 min read

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What is async coaching? 

How does async coaching actually work?

The benefits of async coaching

When to choose async coaching over real-time coaching 

Getting started with async coaching  

How to make the most of asynchronous coaching

Using async coaching for personalized growth on your terms

The coaching industry has changed significantly as technology has advanced. Coaching sessions are easier to access than ever since meetings no longer have to be held in person. With asynchronous (async) communication methods, coaching conversations don’t need to happen simultaneously. 

Those unfamiliar with async communication will likely have some questions. What does asynchronous coaching mean, and how does it work? Can advice and knowledge truly be passed down without face-to-face interactions? Let’s take a look at async coaching, what it actually means, and a few of its best-use cases.

Clients asynchronously respond to coaches. How often you communicate back and forth with your coach ultimately depends on a few factors. This includes coach/coachee preferences, the platform you are using, and the goals you are trying to achieve. 

You can use several communication methods for async coaching. You can also leverage an async method for a variety of different types of coaching. Async coaching is available for life coaching, career coaching, and business coaching. It’s even available for sleep coaching.  


How does async coaching actually work? 

Through async coaching, you asynchronously receive advice and support from your coach at a pace that works for both of you. 

The main premise of async communication is that it doesn’t depend on real-time interaction. There’s no need to organize meetings at the same time. Asynchronous videos provide nonverbal communication. They enable you to hear tone of voice and see facial expressions.

Sending audio messages is another option for async coaching, as is writing out messages via text or email. The most important thing is choosing methods that are easy and convenient for expressing your feelings.

Just as the tools used for communicating can vary, so can the structure of asynchronous coaching. Different coaches offer differing levels of support. Some might be available 24/7 via chat, while others operate only during set business hours.

The benefits of async coaching 

Live coaching sessions can be difficult to coordinate. But asynchronous coaching allows you to communicate effectively. There’s no need for scheduling in-person communication or video meetings. Instead, communication is done on your own time. Here are a few additional benefits of async coaching.


Coaching can benefit everyone at every stage of their life and career. But with asynchronous coaching, a primary benefit is flexibility. Regardless of time constraints, you can engage in coaching at your own pace whenever you like. The freedom of asynchronous communication means you don’t need to worry about scheduling conflicts or time zones. 

Like digital coaching, async coaching requires no commute and less scheduling. Maybe a coach you’ve connected with is in another time zone, or you find yourself at a conference one week and can’t make your regular session time. Regardless of the reason, async coaching provides flexibility that isn’t allowed by real-time coaching. Your ideal coach may even be in another time zone. 

Async coaching means you can send a video message to your coach in Hawaii when you wake up in New York City. You can let them know how you’re feeling about your presentation later in the day and they can check in with you when they wake up. They can send you a message while you’re already deep into work that day, and you can respond when you get home, letting them know how the presentation went.


If you have social anxiety, expressing yourself using asynchronous communication may be easier. You can stay connected to your coach without feeling put on the spot. 

If you’re dealing with an invisible illness like multiple sclerosis or fibromyalgia, showing up to meetings can be hard. Flare-ups happen unexpectedly. Asynchronous communication may be more convenient or accessible to attain your goals. 

Async coaching can also be more accessible for individuals with various types of neurodiversity. Certain conditions such as autism can make communication difficult. An alternative method such as async coaching may be preferred. 

Upleveling real-time coaching

With real-time coaching, you get face-to-face communication and live support. It may also be more natural to have free-flowing conversations about your goals. However, discussing everything during a scheduled coaching session may leave you overwhelmed

The benefits of coaching are vast. Through trial and error, you can determine which coaching style works best for you. A 2021 report shows 87% of respondents agreed the increase in digital coaching sessions would continue in the future. 

Asynchronous communication in coaching has been found to be beneficial in a study with a behavioral health platform. If you’re worried about diminished quality, the results show effectiveness. 

When to choose async coaching over real-time coaching 

If you travel frequently or live a nomadic lifestyle, asynchronous coaching will allow you to meet no matter where you happen to be. Similar to getting a remote job, you may love the flexibility that remote coaching offers.  


This flexibility also makes asynchronous communication perfect for those with a busy schedule. It’s ideal if you value time for yourself and don’t want more one-on-one meetings impacting your self-care plan. With async coaching, you can respond whenever you have a moment to focus better.  

Async coaching sessions can also be easier to access. They are sometimes offered at a lower price point than in-person coaching sessions. However, some people find more value in having real-time interactions. Traditional coaching is ideal for those who prefer the personal touch of conversations in person. 

Combining real-time and async coaching

You don’t necessarily need to choose one method of coaching over another. Asynchronous coaching can be paired with real-time coaching. Being able to send messages about your goals and progress between chat sessions is convenient.  

AI tools can also be used to support an async coaching model. There are tools that can be used to track your goals. There are also apps to track your daily tasks and habits.

Getting started with async coaching  

If you think you could benefit from async coaching, the next step is finding a platform that works for you. Committing to transformation through coaching services is the first step of the process. Next, you just need to discover the right coaching practice for you.   

Finding an async coach

Where do you go to find a good remote coaching business? If you don’t have a personal recommendation from someone you trust, searching online is a great place to start. 

You may want to choose someone with like interests or from a similar background. Or, you may prefer to trust your gut and let your intuition do the choosing. 

Each coach will have strengths and specialties. Consider someone who aligns with your values and learning style. Your coach should also have the same expectations about communication frequency. Not every coach drives results the same way, and that’s OK. 

What’s important is finding a coach you feel comfortable enough to be open with. Honesty and ease of communication are important in a long-term coach or mentor relationship. You should be able to tell them about your mistakes and your weaknesses

Consider creating a list of questions for potential coaches, such as:

  • What is your communication style?
  • Do you prefer videos, audio chats, or written messages?
  • Do you use a specific coaching framework?
  • How often do you prefer to touch base with clients?
  • How open is your schedule?
  • Have you worked with clients with similar goals and objectives before?
  • How do you motivate and inspire others?
  • What would you say is your area of expertise or your niche?
  • What changes have you witnessed in your clients during your coaching program?
  • What challenges do you face most often in your work?
  • How do you challenge yourself
  • Why did you start coaching? 

You can ask these questions during an initial async chat or your first real-time session if combining coaching methods. Written communication may allow potential coaches to give more thoughtful responses. 

Setting async coaching expectations

Before committing to a coach, it’s important you set expectations regarding what you want to achieve. If a coach doesn’t feel equipped to help you, knowing that up front is better. Open communication is key. 

Explain what you hope to get out of coaching sessions, as well as other relevant details, including:

By the end of your first chat, it should be clear if you and the coach are a good fit. Once they have a solid idea of your needs, they can start working on a plan for you. This plan will outline your goals, obstacles, and daily or weekly steps toward self-improvement

How to make the most of asynchronous coaching

To make the most of async coaching, remember that the most important thing is your satisfaction. If the process doesn’t feel quite right or you aren’t seeing the results you expected, don’t be afraid to speak up.

If you’re unhappy with how your coach communicates, constructive feedback is important. You may need to change course or simply fine-tune the structure of your asynchronous coaching plan. Video chat may not work out, or you may need more frequent communication.

Most coaches will be open to your ideas on improving your arrangement for better results. A good coach wants client success, even if that means adjusting their approach.

Using async coaching for personalized growth on your terms

Individual coaching can bring value to your life. It can bring you increased confidence and improve your self-concept. It can also lead to enhanced problem-solving strategies.

Trying out new methods of coaching will increase self-awareness and enable you to discover what works best for you. Asynchronous communication can help you absorb knowledge and build your future at a comfortable speed. Start async coaching to begin your journey of personal growth today.

Lead with confidence and authenticity

Develop your leadership and strategic management skills with the help of an expert Coach.

Lead with confidence and authenticity

Develop your leadership and strategic management skills with the help of an expert Coach.

Published April 25, 2024

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships.

With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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