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30 job hunting tips to keep your spirits up while your search

October 23, 2023 - 25 min read
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    Are you eager to escape a toxic workplace? Waiting for that salary increase that just won’t come? Still reeling from a recent layoff

    Whatever the reason that brought you back to the job market, know that you’re not alone - many applicants report a shortage of suitable openings. Taking proactive steps to better your situation is commendable, so be proud of yourself for seeking help with job hunting.

    You’ve probably already explored various resources available to job seekers, such as job boards, networking, and LinkedIn alerts. However, that doesn’t necessarily make the process any easier. The thought of approaching employer booths at job fairs may make you cringe, or you may feel overwhelmed trying to navigate different online job boards.

    But remember, your determination, readiness to learn, and interest in personal growth will help you overcome job search challenges and bounce back from a job loss. Keep pushing forward!

    Now, let’s dive into some job search tips that will give you the edge you need to land a great gig without burning yourself out in the process.

    How long does it usually take to find a job?

    On average, the length of time it takes for someone to find a job can vary depending on several factors, including the job market, the applicant's qualifications, and the industry they are targeting.

    It's important to note that these figures are averages and can vary depending on individual circumstances. The duration of the job search can be influenced by factors such as the level of competition, the applicant's qualifications and experience, the industry, and economic conditions.

    Why create a job-hunting system

    The importance of a job-hunting system can’t be overstated. Without one, you may end up feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by all the job research, applications, and interviews you have to do.

    Creating a job search system helps you organize your information in one place — from contacts to resumes to networking notes — so that everything is easy to find when needed.

    You’ll also want to set realistic goals for yourself. Aim for applying to three to five jobs a week and connecting with at least two people each day, even if it’s just on LinkedIn. Lastly, don’t forget to take care of yourself while job searching. It can be easy to get so caught up that you forget to eat or exercise — but this will only make the entire process harder. Take breaks and set aside time to do something you enjoy. This will help keep your energy up and ensure that you stay motivated throughout the job search journey.

    With a few simple steps, you can simplify your job hunt and help streamline the process. Make sure to stay organized by keeping a spreadsheet of application tracking, where you can list the job title, company, application date, and interview status. This will help you stay on top of your progress and prioritize tasks.

    Creating a job-hunting system in 5 steps

    1. Organize: Gather all your job-related information, from contacts to resumes to networking notes, in one place for easy access.
    2. Set realistic goals: Aim to apply to three to five jobs per week and connect with at least two people daily, even on LinkedIn.
    3. Self-care matters: Don't forget to take care of yourself during the job search. Take breaks, eat well, exercise, and make time for activities you enjoy.
    4. Stay motivated: Keep your energy up by doing something you love and stay motivated throughout the journey.
    5. Stay organized: Create a spreadsheet to track your applications, listing job titles, companies, application dates, and interview statuses. This helps you stay on top of progress and prioritize tasks.

    Top 5 steps to help you find job search success

    Embarking on a job search can be a challenging endeavor, but it doesn’t have to be a dreaded experience. Here are five indispensable steps that will guide you toward success and help you land your dream job.

    1. Self-assessment: Take the time to assess your skills, interests, and career goals. Identify your strengths, areas for improvement and the industries and roles that align with your aspirations.
    2. Research and target: Conduct thorough research on the industries and companies you're interested in. Look for job openings, company culture, values, and growth opportunities. Narrow down your targets to focus on organizations that match your goals.
    3. Tailor your application materials: Customize your resume, cover letter, and online profiles to highlight your relevant skills and experiences for each job application. Use keywords from the job description to optimize your chances of getting noticed by recruiters.
    4. Network and expand connections: Build and leverage your professional network. Attend networking events, connect with industry professionals on platforms like LinkedIn, and engage in relevant conversations. Personal connections can often lead to valuable job leads and referrals.
    5. Prepare for and ace interviews: Research the companies you're interviewing with, anticipate common interview questions, and practice your responses. Prepare examples that showcase your skills and accomplishments. Dress professionally, maintain positive body language, and demonstrate enthusiasm during the interview process.

    Remember, persistence and adaptation are key in a job search. Stay hopeful, follow up after interviews, seek feedback, say thank you, and continue to refine your approach. Each step brings you closer to finding the right job opportunity and a great new role.


    30 job hunting tips to get better at job hunting

    Here’s the first thing you should know: there’s no one best way to find a job. Different strategies work for different job seekers in different industries. What works wonders for you and your career might have zero impact on the next person.

    When you’re ready to get back out there, these tips can be applied to just about any job search:

    1. Keep your resume updated

    This one might be a no-brainer but don’t neglect your resume, even if you’re unemployed. Add every relevant volunteer opportunity or certificate to help your resume stand out. If you feel your career gap is something to hide, think again — most people have had a gap in their work experience.

    And if you address it honestly, potential employers may even see your career gap as a plus. That was the time you spent learning. Once you land that job, keep updating your resume as new experiences and achievements pop up — you’ll thank yourself the next time you’re ready to hit the job market.

    2. Tailor your application to each job

    Don’t send the same boilerplate cover letter and resume to every job you apply for — you won’t get away with it. Big companies use applicant tracking systems to sift through applications and weed out candidates who don’t fit what the algorithm’s looking for.

    Look closely at the job description and see what desired skills they list. Make sure you highlight the ones you share on your resume so you don’t fall through the cracks. Adjusting the phrasing of these skills or accomplishments to match the job’s requirements will help your application land on top. 

    3. Tidy up your social media

    Like it or not, recruiters do look at social media. One Harris Poll survey even found that 71% of hiring managers consider social media an effective screening tool. Take a close look at what the public can see on your social media platforms, like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

    Are your profiles an accurate representation of who you are? More importantly, is your content appropriate, or would a recruiter balk at your posts? Making your profiles private might help you limit potential employers from seeing anything you don’t want to share. 

    4. Hit up your network

    Tap into your network to get yourself on the map. It’s a great way to learn about new job openings, get valuable career advice, and widen your perspective on your industry. Your network is full of other industry professionals, so chat them up — and don’t be too shy to say you’re looking for a new job.

    If they know you’re looking, someone in your network might pass along a job listing that matches your interests and skills.

    5. Be yourself

    You have a great personality — let it shine. Walk into every interview (including the virtual ones) ready to convey your authentic character. Hiring managers want to know who you are as a person, not just as an employee. Keep it professional, but don't be boring or passive.

    Remember to smile and be personable as you answer interview questions. You’re not a robot, so don’t act like one. 

    6. Practice self-care

    Inhale, exhale. You might finish the day feeling exhausted, drained, or anxious. But your personal mental health and well-being should always be top priorities. Incorporating self-care into your routine will help recharge your batteries as you look for a new job.

    Consider taking a nice walk in nature, reading your favorite book, or listening to calming music — anything to help decompress after a busy day of job hunting.

    7. Build a professional online presence

    Creating a professional LinkedIn profile is an essential part of the job search process. It helps you stand out from other candidates and makes it easier for recruiters to find you. Share relevant details about your experiences, skills, and accomplishments when crafting your profile. Make sure that your profile accurately reflects your professional brand.

    8. Attend networking events

    Attend industry-specific events, job fairs, and career expos to meet potential employers and expand your professional network. Prepare an elevator pitch and bring business cards to make a memorable first impression.

    9. Network online 

    Join industry-specific groups and forums online to connect with professionals in your field. You can offer to grab a coffee (in-person or virtually) and set up informational interviews with individuals holding your dream roles. Engage in discussions, share insights, and build relationships that may lead to job opportunities.

    10. Utilize job search platforms

    Explore job search engines, company websites, and professional networking platforms to discover job openings. Set up email alerts and save searches to receive notifications about relevant positions. 

    11. Customize your application

    Tailor your cover letter and resume to match the specific requirements of each job posting. Highlight how your skills and experiences align with the job description.

    12. Prepare for interviews

    Research the company and anticipate common interview questions. Practice your responses and come prepared with examples that showcase your skills and accomplishments.

    13. Follow-up after interviews

    Send a personalized thank-you note or email within 24 hours of the interview. Express your gratitude for the opportunity and reiterate your interest in the position.

    14. Enhance your skills 

    Identify any skill gaps in your desired field and take steps to enhance those skills. Online courses, certifications, or workshops can help you stay competitive and show your commitment to professional growth.

    15. Consider volunteering or internships

    If you’re looking to change careers or for entry-level roles, you can gain relevant experience by volunteering or interning in your desired field. This can help you build connections and demonstrate your commitment to professional growth.

    16. Maintain a positive mindset

    Job searching can be challenging, but staying positive and persistent is crucial. Celebrate small wins, practice self-care, and seek support from friends, family, or job search groups.

    17. Seek feedback and learn from rejections

    If you receive rejections, ask for feedback to understand areas for improvement. Use this feedback to fine-tune your application materials and interview skills.

    18. Create a job search schedule

    Establish a routine for your job search activities. Set aside dedicated time each day or week for researching, applying, networking, and following up.

    19. Attend virtual job fairs 

    Many companies now host virtual job fairs where you can interact with recruiters and learn about job openings. Take advantage of these events to make connections and explore potential opportunities.

    20. Build a personal website or portfolio 

    If applicable to your field, create a personal website or portfolio to showcase your work. This can provide a tangible representation of your skills and accomplishments.

    21. Stay organized 

    Keep track of the jobs you've applied for, including the company name, position title, and application status. A spreadsheet or dedicated job application tracker can help you stay organized.

    22. Attend industry events or conferences 

    Participate in industry events or conferences, either in person or virtually. These events offer opportunities to meet professionals, learn about emerging trends, and potentially connect with hiring managers.

    23. Work with a career coach

    Looking for a new job can feel like a lonely process. Career coaches are excellent motivators, confidants, and accountability partners. A career coach also works with you to help solidify your goals and ensure they align with your values. So once you land that next role, you can be sure it’s somewhere you want to be.

    24. Ask for recommendations 

    Reach out to previous colleagues, supervisors, or mentors and request LinkedIn recommendations or references. Positive reviews can enhance your credibility and make a strong impression on potential employers.

    25. Consider freelancing or gig work 

    If finding a full-time job proves difficult, explore freelancing or gig work opportunities. This can provide income, allow you to gain new skills, and potentially lead to long-term employment prospects.

    26. Attend virtual career workshops 

    Many organizations offer virtual career workshops on topics such as resume writing, interview tips, and personal branding. Take advantage of these resources to refine your job search strategies.

    28. Join professional associations 

    Consider joining professional associations related to your industry. These organizations often provide networking opportunities, job boards, and access to industry-specific resources.

    29. Practice mindfulness 

    In addition to self-care, incorporate mindfulness practices into your routine. Meditation, deep breathing exercises, or journaling can help reduce stress and maintain focus during the job search process.

    30. Stay updated on industry trends 

    Stay informed about the latest trends, news, and advancements in your industry. This knowledge can impress potential employers during interviews and demonstrate your passion for the field. You can also share your learnings on LinkedIn to publicize your expertise.


    Here are 15 places you can look to find a job

    1. Online job boards: Websites like Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and Monster have extensive job listings across various industries.
    2. Company websites: Many companies post job openings directly on their websites. If you already have a few companies in mind, check the career or job opportunities sections for available positions.
    3. Professional networking platforms: Utilize platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals in your desired field. They may have job leads or be able to provide referrals.
    4. Recruitment agencies: Contact recruitment agencies that specialize in your industry. They often have access to exclusive job opportunities and can help match you with suitable positions.
    5. Government job portals: Governments have dedicated job portals where they list positions in various sectors. Check your local government's website for job listings.
    6. Industry-specific job boards: Look for industry-specific job boards or websites that cater to your field of interest. These platforms often have targeted job listings.
    7. Career fairs and expos: Attend career fairs and expos in your area to meet employers face-to-face and learn about job opportunities. Bring copies of your resume and engage with recruiters.
    8. Professional associations: Join professional associations related to your industry. They often have job boards, networking events, and resources for job seekers.
    9. Nonprofit organizations: Research nonprofit organizations that align with your interests and skills. They may have job openings in areas such as social services, education, or healthcare.
    10. Freelance and gig platforms: Explore freelance and gig platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or TaskRabbit if you're interested in project-based or remote work.
    11. Local newspapers: Check the classifieds section of local newspapers. While online listings have become more popular, some companies still advertise job openings in print.
    12. Alumni networks: Reach out to your college or university's alumni network. They may have job leads or be willing to provide guidance and support in your job search.
    13. Industry events and conferences: Attend industry-specific events and conferences to network with professionals and learn about job opportunities. These events often attract employers looking to hire.
    14. Social media: Follow companies and organizations you're interested in on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. They may post job openings on their social media accounts.
    15. Personal connections: Let your friends, family, and professional contacts know that you're actively job searching. They might be aware of job openings or be able to introduce you to someone in their network.

    Remember to tailor your job search strategy based on your industry, location, and personal circumstances. Exploring multiple avenues will increase your chances of finding the right job.


    Free online tools and job sites to help in your job search

    Knowing where to look for jobs is half the battle. We’ve got a few tools to suggest, but just a disclaimer: some offer paid memberships that give you access to bonus features and additional resources.

    Their free features are still worthwhile, though. When you’re ready to start, try these six online tools to get your search off the ground:

    1. LinkedIn

    Have you browsed LinkedIn’s job listings this week? You’re far from alone — a whopping 50 million people use LinkedIn to search for jobs each week, leading to six hires every minute. A LinkedIn profile also serves as an online resume that’s far more interactive for viewers than a Word doc.

    This site’s also a great place to network (potential employers love seeing that you’re well connected!) and find timely articles about your industry and the job market.

    2. Glassdoor

    Check out Glassdoor if you're curious about a company’s size, culture, and salaries. Current and former employees can leave anonymous feedback about their experiences, helping you pick up on red flags before you get too deep into the process.

    Glassdoor’s also handy for job interview prep since you'll get anonymous insights from people who have been through the process with each company — you may even be able to see the specific interview questions they’ll ask.

    3. Indeed

    Like LinkedIn, Indeed lets you upload your resume and experience as you look at job postings. Get into the weeds with filters on Indeed’s easy-to-search job board. Tailor your search to specific job titles, work-from-home positions — whatever matters most to you. 

    4. Job Resume Scanner

    A strong resume will help get you past applicant tracking systems and into the hands of an actual person. But resume writing is an art form — and Job Resume Scanner can help. This resume-writing tool reads algorithms and compares resumes to job descriptions. It'll tell you if you need to use more keywords, switch up the formatting, or rewrite certain sections. 

    5. CareerOneStop

    Like many tools we’ve touched on, CareerOneStop makes it easy to search for jobs by keyword and location. But the site also offers information on job fairs, interview tips, and more. You can also see which jobs are most in demand and what skills it’ll take to land them.

    6. Google

    When in doubt, Google won’t fail you. The standard search engine is a good place to start, but Google Careers is the tech giant’s answer to the job site craze. It shows the most recent postings and saves job listings so you can revisit them later.

    7. ZipRecruiter

    ZipRecruiter aggregates job postings from various sources, making it easy to search for opportunities and upload your resume. Its user-friendly interface allows you to set up job alerts and track your applications.

    8. CareerBuilder

    CareerBuilder offers a comprehensive job search platform with features like resume building, salary calculators, and career advice articles. It also provides resources for improving your interview skills and networking effectively.

    9. SimplyHired

    SimplyHired is another job search engine that gathers listings from multiple sources, including job boards, company websites, and newspapers. You can filter results by location, industry, salary range, and more.

    10. USAJOBS

    If you're looking for government jobs in the United States, USAJOBS is the official job portal for federal positions. It provides detailed job descriptions, requirements, and application instructions for various government agencies.

    11. AngelList

    AngelList specializes in connecting job seekers with startup companies. It features job listings for tech roles, as well as opportunities in marketing, operations, and more. You can also explore investment and funding resources.

    12. Dice

    If you're interested in tech and IT-related jobs, Dice is a great resource. It focuses on positions in software development, cybersecurity, data analysis, and other tech fields. You can create a profile and upload your resume to apply for jobs.

    13. GitHub Jobs

    GitHub Jobs is a job board specifically for software developers and engineers. It showcases opportunities at companies that use GitHub for version control and collaboration. You can filter by location, job type, and experience level.

    14. Snagajob

    Snagajob is designed for hourly and part-time job seekers. It lists openings in industries like retail, hospitality, healthcare, and customer service. You can search by location and apply directly through the platform.

    Job hunting is a full-time job

    There’s no shame in needing help with job searching — you might think everyone else is getting job offers right and left, but most applicants dedicate a lot of time and effort to finding the perfect position. 

    We've covered the logistical side of job hunting. But before you try to pin down what to look for in a new job, identify your work values and career goals so you can articulate what's meaningful and important to you. Keep your values in mind as you read job descriptions, write your cover letter, and talk to interviewers. Your new job should align with your values, not go against them. 

    Applying for jobs can get you down. Build rest into your schedule — and be intentional with the types of rest you make time for. Keep your head up. Stay strong and patient. And above all, cut yourself some slack. Finding the right job takes time, but you can do it if you stay the course.

    Ace your job search

    Explore effective job search techniques, interview strategies, and ways to overcome job-related challenges. Our coaches specialize in helping you land your dream job.

    Ace your job search

    Explore effective job search techniques, interview strategies, and ways to overcome job-related challenges. Our coaches specialize in helping you land your dream job.

    Published October 23, 2023

    Maggie Wooll, MBA

    Maggie Wooll is a researcher, author, and speaker focused on the evolving future of work. Formerly the lead researcher at the Deloitte Center for the Edge, she holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from Princeton University and an MBA from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. Maggie is passionate about creating better work and greater opportunities for all.

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