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How to be optimistic

March 6, 2024 - 33 min read

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Do you lack optimism?

Understanding optimism: beyond mere positivity

Why is learning how to be optimistic so challenging?

How to be optimistic: habits for cultivating optimism

The importance of surrounding yourself with positive people

Identifying your optimism style

Unshakable pessimism: when to seek therapy services

Learn how to be optimistic with coaching sessions

It’s not easy to stay positive. Life’s tragedies and struggles sometimes weigh us down. Many people find themselves missing their spark now and again. 

Turbulent times can cause you to experience different types of grief, conflict, and injustice. But the world also holds hope, kindness, and love. It’s important not to lose sight of the positive moments in life.

You don’t have to view the world through a lens of gloom. There are techniques you can use to train your mind toward positive thinking. Learning how to be optimistic is possible. 

Do you lack optimism?

Optimistic people tend to radiate sunshine. They brighten a room by simply walking in. Who wouldn’t want to be that type of person?


Most people don’t want to be pessimistic, but the path to positive thinking isn’t always clear. Lacking optimism can result in low mood and a need to improve self-esteem

If you lack optimism and want to change, you can. Reframing your thoughts can help you start building a more positive outlook. 

Understanding optimism: beyond mere positivity

True optimism is about more than positivity. It’s the ability to trust that good things are meant for you.

What is optimism?

You may have heard the saying, “Always look on the bright side of life.” That is the core of optimism. It’s the knowledge that, even in times of darkness, you can find a silver lining. 

Through the power of positive thinking, you can change your mindset. Optimistic people remind themselves good things will happen. Stay optimistic by reminding yourself that you are worthy of success and happiness.

What isn't optimism?

An optimistic mindset does not mean being delusional. Rational thinking and pragmatism can coexist with optimism. It’s best not to use optimism to justify brash decision-making.

Optimism is also not the same as believing you’re invincible. For example, quitting your job with no savings to change careers is not optimism. It may work out for some people, but risk-taking isn’t what optimism is about. 

Optimism also isn’t manifestation. It isn’t assuming with complete certainty that you’ll get a job simply because you applied. You still need to work hard and build the proper credentials. 

Optimism is believing everything will be alright, even when things don’t go your way. It’s remembering you are good at many things, even if you don’t get the job or maintain the relationship. It’s the knowledge that if you keep trying, the right people will recognize your value. 

The benefits of optimism

Why is optimism so sought-after?

An optimistic outlook is good for you in more ways than one. It’s linked to longevity and well-being. Most people want a long and healthy life to spend quality time with family and loved ones.


A lack of optimism can negatively impact your life. Recurring negative self-talk can lead to physical health problems. For example, you are more likely to have heart disease if you live with high stress. 

Don’t stress if you don’t feel you’re optimistic. The good news is you grow more optimistic with age. The resilience you build over time can become an armor against life’s challenges.

Why is learning how to be optimistic so challenging?

Optimism is challenging because it’s easy to dwell on negative events and remember them. Psychologists refer to this phenomenon as negativity bias. It causes us to focus on negative experiences rather than good ones. 

It’s especially difficult to be optimistic when dealing with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

While negative thinking may be difficult to change, it’s not a fixed personality trait. Even people who have endured many adverse events can learn to adopt positive thinking. With the right tools and techniques, you can become optimistic. 

How to be optimistic: habits for cultivating optimism

Optimism isn’t built overnight. You create it over time by building daily healthy habits. To change your mindset, you need to change your routine. 

Recognizing and reframing negativity

Not being able to stop yourself from spiraling during a difficult situation is common. If you’ve been fired from a job, you may start to think you’re unskilled and incapable. You might conclude you’ll never find work again. 

Reframe negative thinking patterns with practical alternatives. Remember the professional praise you’ve received for your work. Think of the value you bring to the table.

Losing your job isn’t the end of the world. You found a job before and can do it again. A setback like job loss can also be viewed as an opportunity.

Find positive aspects of the experience and use them for personal growth. Learn from your mistakes and do things differently next time.

Practicing gratitude

Practicing gratitude is a fundamental part of optimism. But it’s not an innate trait. Gratitude is a learned practice you can strive to make part of your life. 

You can practice gratitude by thinking about five things you’re thankful for each morning, such as:

You can also practice gratitude during negative events. Instead of focusing on the downsides of a situation, focus on the potential good that could come of it. 

If you’ve been laid off, you can be thankful for savings or family support. You can focus on the opportunity to find a better job or a career you enjoy more. 

Imagining success and positive outcomes

To be optimistic, you need to be able to envision positive outcomes. Imagining negative outcomes won’t lead to success. 


How do you build an image of positivity in your mind? You can use positive affirmations to paint a mental picture of what a happy and meaningful life might look like. This can improve self-esteem and boost your mood. 

Writing down your favorite affirmations and reciting them each morning is an excellent way to work on positive self-talk.

Affirmations can guide you through any part of life. Whether you need to prepare for a new job or let go of someone because of their toxic traits, positive affirmations can empower you.

Self-reflecting: what fulfillment looks like for you

Before you decide to start focusing on what makes you happy and fulfilled, you must know yourself. This sounds simple, but you may be unaware of your true desires. Many people build a life according to how they think it should be lived. 

What does happiness and success look like to you? Create a vision board of your fulfilled dreams. Think long and hard about what makes you feel content with life

For some people, this may include travel. For others, it will involve creativity or building social capital. You’re the only one who can decide how the importance of knowing yourself plays out for you.

Continuous self-discovery

The journey to optimism is continuous. Your vision for yourself will change, and that’s okay. Ongoing self-discovery is part of an optimistic journey. 

Check in with yourself periodically and ask if you feel fulfilled. Is there anything you used to prioritize that no longer brings you joy?

It’s okay to embrace change and redirect your focus. You can discover yourself over and over again. 

The importance of surrounding yourself with positive people

The people you spend the most time with impact your mindset. Since optimism can be contagious, look to positive people to uplift you and provide comfort in difficult times.

Surrounding yourself with pessimistic people won’t help you grow. Instead, surround yourself with people who celebrate your accomplishments.

Don’t let others voicing negative thoughts dampen your outlook on life. This doesn’t mean rejecting all constructive criticism or reasonable advice. It simply means being aware of how the company you keep impacts you.     

Identifying your optimism style

Did you know there are different types of optimism? A certain optimism style may work better with your way of thinking. See which one resonates with you the most. 

Internal vs. external optimism

Internal optimism focuses on the good things you can do to improve the world. It’s the decision to use free will to create positive outcomes. 

For instance, you may have failed to give a good presentation. But, through the lens of internal optimism, you know you can prepare more to do better next time. 

External optimism explains negative events through the context of external forces. Rather than self-blame, external optimists may place negativity on other influences. 

Instead of feeling bad about your salary range, you may remind yourself it doesn’t indicate your worth. External optimism reminds you the economy is rough. The pay isn’t bad for a small company where you can learn and grow. 

Situational vs. general optimism

Situational optimism describes positive thoughts and expectations about specific areas of life. When you engage in situational optimism, you believe things will go well soon. This often applies to events like job interviews.

General optimism refers to an overall positive outlook. For a general optimist, positive emotions are abundant. They see the world as being a glass half-full.

Unshakable pessimism: when to seek therapy services

Negative thoughts are part of life for most people. But when you let negative thoughts control you, they become a problem. 

Negative thinking may lead to anxiety, depression, or an inability to overcome fear of failure and move forward. If pessimism controls your life, it’s time to seek coaching or therapy services.

These tools can help you correct unhealthy thought patterns and find the light of optimism. By working with a specialist, you can greatly improve your quality of life. 


Learn how to be optimistic with coaching sessions

You can make the changes you seek through healthy habits and gratitude practices. Our guide to optimism is a self-paced resource for positive thinking.

You can also work with a BetterUp coach to challenge negative thoughts and bring optimism to your daily life. BetterUp’s research on how to cultivate optimism finds that people who lack optimism see a 68% increase in 3-4 months of coaching. Learn how to be optimistic today with personal coaching sessions.


Transform your life

Make meaningful changes and become the best version of yourself. BetterUp's professional Coaches are here to support your personal growth journey.

Transform your life

Make meaningful changes and become the best version of yourself. BetterUp's professional Coaches are here to support your personal growth journey.

Published March 6, 2024

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships.

With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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