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17 positive feedback examples to develop a winning team

September 19, 2023 - 24 min read


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What is positive feedback?

The benefits of positive feedback 

Positive feedback examples for employees and teams

When to give positive feedback: 8 situations

How to give positive feedback

A final tip for delivering positive feedback

Practice positive feedback today

Let’s face it: giving feedback is tough. 

Whether you’re the giver or the receiver, the word “feedback” elicits strong reactions, and “positive” probably isn’t the first word you think of. 

That’s probably why 37% of managers admit they’re uncomfortable with providing feedback on performance to their teams. 

But feedback doesn’t have to be daunting or damaging — quite the opposite. Feedback helps people better themselves. It lets them improve, learn, and grow. Without it, most people would likely be stagnant in their careers. 

Research shows that employees want feedback: 82% of employees appreciate both positive and negative feedback, and they’re more likely to be engaged when they regularly hear it. 

There are plenty types of feedback, but one is particularly useful: positive feedback. This encouraging input helps you engage your employees, drive performance, and reach team goals. We’ll offer several positive feedback examples to help you motivate your team.

What is positive feedback?

Positive feedback focuses on strengths, contributions, and value to reinforce what people are doing well. This is closely related to another concept: positive reinforcement. In positive reinforcement, you look for opportunities to acknowledge and praise specific behaviors instead of constantly scanning for what someone is doing wrong. This is an essential management skill because in many cases, positive reinforcement can be more effective than negative. 

If you’re a parent or teacher, you may be very familiar with the way positive reinforcement can shift the dynamic between an adult and a child. Adults are no different. They generally respond better to positive reinforcement than punishment. 

Organizational psychologist Dr. Marcial Losada found that the ratio of positive and negative feedback on high-performing teams was around six to one. That means employees need six pieces of positive feedback for every instance of negative feedback.

The benefits of positive feedback 

One major pro of offering positive feedback is increased employee engagement. A Gallup survey found that 67% of employees were fully engaged when managers focused on their strengths.

Positive feedback also builds trust and morale among employees. Boosting employee morale and trust increases motivation, retention, and overall performance.

And who knows — you might even start receiving positive comments yourself. Like many other aspects of the employee experience, a positive feedback culture can have a positive ripple effect. 

Positive feedback examples for employees and teams

Feedback is most potent when it’s timely (so don’t save it all for the annual performance review). Be on the lookout for the following opportunities to give positive feedback:

  1. An employee is a good team player 

  2. An employee is working overtime 

  3. An employee is doing high-quality work 

  4. An employee takes on new responsibilities 

  5. An employee practices effective conflict resolution

  6. An employee meets their goals 

  7. A new hire is already making an impact

  8. A teammate helps solve a challenging problem 

  9. A teammate goes above and beyond to deliver work 

  10. A teammate needs a morale boost

  11. A teammate contributes to the company culture in a positive way 

  12. A direct report learns a new skill 

  13. A direct report comes to you for input

  14. A direct report is feeling burned out

  15. A direct report shows skill improvement

  16. A direct report proposes a great idea 

  17. A direct report models company core values in a noticeable way

Try using some of these positive feedback examples as a template in your next conversation with a teammate or employee.


1. An employee is a good team player 

Let’s say you just hired a couple of new team members. These new employees needed some help throughout the onboarding process, and one of your employees took the initiative to help train and bring them up to speed. Try saying something like this:

“You really jumped in for the rest of the team to help onboard our new hires. I appreciate the extra work you took on to make sure the entire team was set up for success.” 

2. An employee is working overtime 

You notice one of your employees is consistently working late hours. You don’t manage this employee, but you’re worried about potential burnout. There’s a big project the team is rolling out soon, which you suspect might be the culprit. 

“I noticed you’re putting in a lot of hours on this project. I know how hard you work and how committed you are to it. Is there anything I can do to help take lower-priority projects off your plate? Is it possible to put other work aside until this project is done?” 

3. An employee is doing high-quality work 

You work cross-functionally with another team in the marketing department. This team member consistently delivers quality campaigns and briefs. You appreciate the work, but you haven’t formally recognized them. 

“I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the quality of your work. I can tell you take pride in it, which shows in your deliverables. Thank you!” 

4. An employee takes on new responsibilities 

Let’s say a teammate recently quit their job. While you’re backfilling the position, another teammate takes on some of the extra work to keep things moving. 

“I know you’ve absorbed some extra work recently. Thank you for stepping up to keep the team on track toward our goals. I appreciate your extra effort and initiative these last few weeks.”

5. An employee practices effective conflict resolution

Recently, two teams were tasked with working together to reach a company-wide goal. However, there was some conflict in the approach that stifled teamwork. One team felt it was best to prioritize the work their way, and the other team disagreed. 

This team member did a great job of navigating their differences by finding shared goals and reinforcing the purpose of the project. In the end, the two teams were able to come to an agreement about where to prioritize resources. 

“Thank you for going the extra mile. You navigated this situation particularly well and kept both teams happy. I recognize that’s not an easy situation to handle, but you exceeded all expectations.” 

6. An employee meets their goals 

It’s the end of the quarter, and you’re reviewing your team’s performance. One employee set some particularly ambitious goals. You weren’t sure if they would meet them, but this employee proved you wrong and exceeded expectations in a timely manner. 

“I’m really proud of the work you’ve done this quarter. You showed grit and courage. Thank you for all your hard work to meet your milestones.” 

7. A new hire is already making an impact

It can be difficult for some to find their footing when starting at a new company or in a new role. If a new hire makes a big impact in their early days, that’s something to reward. A simple gesture of acknowledgment can go a long way.

“You’ve only been here a short time, but you’ve already impressed the team with your attitude and the projects you’ve owned so far. That can be hard to do early on with all the new information coming your way. We’re all very grateful and impressed by your work. Welcome to the team!”

8. A teammate helps solve a challenging problem 

Things were going well on this project. But suddenly, you’ve hit a roadblock. You and your teammate must figure out how to overcome this obstacle, or else the project is at risk.

This teammate goes above and beyond to engage the right stakeholders and seek advice. They use creative problem-solving skills to figure out a workaround. 

“You were brilliant in finding a way for us to move forward. The workaround you proposed really saved this project, and I’m so grateful for your work to make it happen. Way to keep a positive attitude throughout.” 

9. A teammate goes above and beyond to deliver work 

You recently asked a teammate to research a strategy you’re considering for a particular workstream. You expected a couple ideas, but your teammate comes back with three proposals, each with different outcomes, risks, and rewards. 

“I’m completely blown away by your thoughtfulness and dedication to this project. You went above and beyond in your research. Thank you so much for your hard work!” 

10. A teammate needs a morale boost

You notice another teammate has been quiet in meetings lately. You decide to check in with them one-on-one to see how they’re doing. In this conversation, you learn this teammate isn’t feeling great about their work.

They’re experiencing imposter syndrome and feel like they aren’t contributing to the team. Although you know this teammate does excellent work, you can see they need some reassurance. 

“You completed X, Y, and Z projects flawlessly last week. You’ve been instrumental in the launch of ABC project. And you’re always the first person to volunteer to help someone. I admire your work and learn from you every day.” 

11.  A teammate contributes to company culture in a positive way 

It's harder to stay connected in hybrid and remote work environments. You notice that you’re not getting to know your teammates as well as you should. You’re missing out on opportunities for social connections. 

To combat this, your teammate organizes virtual social hours where “work talk” simply isn’t allowed. Through these social hours, you’ve really gotten to know your teammates. It’s helped to build bonds and create connections. 

“I was feeling lonely without the opportunity to connect with coworkers. Your dedication to organizing social hours brought the team together and really made an impact on my experience here. Thank you for noticing the little things and making a change.” 

12. A direct report learns a new skill 

Learning and professional development have always been a priority for your organization. But sometimes, it’s hard to carve out the time to learn a new skill.

One of your direct reports recently enrolled in an online course to learn about a different coding language. You’re impressed by this upskilling opportunity and the new skills this person brings back to the team. 

“Way to stay on your edge and challenge yourself. I’m proud of how you took the initiative to grow in your role. Thanks for being a good example for others!” 

13. A direct report comes to you for input

This direct report usually works independently. They tend to lean on their coach for personal development and professional career advice. But in a recent team meeting, they turn to you for input on a complex problem. You appreciate their vulnerability and willingness to learn. 

“Thanks for leading by example and leveraging me as a resource. It’s ok to not have all the answers. I appreciate and value your perspective, so it means a lot to know you’ll turn to me for help!” 

14. A direct report is feeling burned out 

One of your employees is juggling caregiving responsibilities at home. They have both their elderly parents and young children to care for. On top of this, your manager increased their workload recently due to some high-priority deliverables. These complications have made time management challenging for them.

You realize this person is at risk of caregiver burnout and burning out at work. You want them to prioritize their well-being in order to reach their full potential

“I know how much you have on your plate right now. But I also know how hard you work and how committed you are to every hat you wear. You don’t have to prove anything right now — there are no burning priorities. Take time for yourself today and prioritize self-care. Your team is here to help with your tasks to alleviate some stress.” 

15. A direct report shows skill improvement

For the past few months, you’ve given this direct report constructive feedback about their communication skills. You’ve also given some presentation feedback after demo meetings with clients.

In a recent meeting, you notice impressive changes in this person’s presentation skills. They’ve taken your constructive criticism to heart and changed their approach. 

Being receptive to feedback, modifying behavior, and being willing to learn and iterate on how they work — these are invaluable steps for employee development. It takes energy and courage, so fuel that effort with positive reinforcement. 

“You absolutely crushed that demo. You have made such big improvements since you first started in this role. I appreciate how much you’ve worked on learning to tell the bigger story. Way to keep at it.” 

16. A direct report proposes a great idea 

Your team has been brainstorming new, creative ideas for an upcoming campaign. One direct report comes to the team meeting with a fantastic, innovative idea. You’re impressed by their creativity and courage. 

“You came to the team meeting with a lot of imagination and creativity. You always challenge us to think outside the box. And you were very receptive when the team started plussing and refining the assumptions. We’re so grateful for the passion you bring to big ideas. It has a big impact.” 

17. A direct report models company core values in a noticeable way 

You recently had a staff meeting where one of your direct reports demonstrated leadership skills by going out of their way to ensure everyone heard another teammate’s perspective.

This teammate is usually quiet and shies away from voicing their opinions. After they were interrupted several times, your direct report made space for this teammate to share their thoughts. 

“Thank you for modeling our core value of ‘Bringing out the best in everyone’ during the recent team meeting. It’s important that all voices are heard. I noticed you went out of your way to ensure everyone could share their input.” 

When to give positive feedback: 8 situations

Giving regular feedback helps employees continue to grow. But sometimes, it’s difficult to determine when to use positive feedback instead of other types. 

Here are eight great scenarios for giving positive feedback: 

  1. After launching or completing a big project 

  2. To improve employee morale when direct reports feel stressed, burnt out, or overwhelmed 

  3. When employees get promoted or take on new responsibilities 

  4. When teams collaborate well together to accomplish a common goal 

  5. After someone provides upward feedback or speaks up in a meeting 

  6. In an annual performance review 

  7. After a teammate helps out another employee 

  8. Any and every day your team members are at work


How to give positive feedback

You can choose to verbalize positive feedback face-to-face in a meeting. Or you might write a friendly email to express gratitude. You could also take time to recognize an employee in front of the whole team at the next meeting. 

Regardless of how you choose to communicate this positive feedback, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Be specific: Make sure you’re clear about what your employees are doing well. It tells them you’re paying attention to their work and makes them feel valued. 

  • Get the timing right: It’s important to be timely with your feedback, especially after a significant accomplishment. 

  • Recognize everyone on your team: Nobody likes when people play favorites. It’s essential to look for opportunities to recognize everyone on your team. 

  • Make your feedback visible: Recognizing employees for their contributions in visible ways will encourage achievement from the entire team, creating a positive feedback loop. Try sharing big wins in a team meeting or posting a congratulatory Slack message. 

  • Make it genuine and personal: Bring authenticity to work. Make it unique, honest, and authentic. With heartfelt positive feedback comes positive


A final tip for delivering positive feedback

Ask yourself these questions to keep positive feedback at the forefront of your mind:

Practice positive feedback today 

Constructive feedback is a critical component of the employee experience. When you amplify the outstanding work of your team members, you’ll see better employee performance. Recognition can help take your team’s employee engagement to the next level

You likely already have a great team. But there are ways to take your team’s performance to the next level and elicit daily joy. Use these positive feedback examples as a template to offer personalized support.


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Elevate team success with coaching

Discover how targeted coaching can boost your team's performance and engagement.

Published September 19, 2023

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships.

With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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