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5 long-term goals examples (+ tips to achieve them)

April 25, 2024 - 23 min read


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What are long-term goals?

The power of long-term goals in shaping your future

How to set long-term goals

Long-term goals examples by category

6 tips for achieving long-term goals

What is the neutral zone?

Create long-term goals to achieve greater life fulfillment

Whether you’re striving to become an entrepreneur or improve your credit score, long-term goals require preparation. Once you identify your desired outcomes, hard work and consistency become essential for achievement. 

Long-term goals may be intimidating, but they’re not out of reach. With the right mindset and approach, you can accomplish your goals and lead a more fulfilling life. 

Remember, as you’re setting long-term goals, you don’t have to go it alone. Knowing when to seek guidance and support can help you set yourself up for success. 

If you’ve written a 10-year plan, it’s probably full of long-term life goals. In terms of long-term vs. short-term goals, short-term goals have a tighter timeline. Drinking eight glasses of water or writing in a gratitude journal every day are both examples of short-term goals

Long-term goals can be professional, personal, or a mix of both. Often, they get you out of your comfort zone and push you to create a life that fosters fulfillment and satisfaction. 

When you create and define your long-term goals, make sure they align with your desired future. Remember that success looks different for everyone. It’s OK if your long-term goals don’t match those of your friends or family. 

Remember also that long-term goals happen over a long period, so it can sometimes be difficult to stay self-motivated. Breaking long-term goals into a series of short-term goals can make them more manageable. You'll then need persistence and perseverance as you work toward long-term achievement. 

The power of long-term goals in shaping your future

Long-term goal-setting is important for every area of your life. While you won’t see results today, achieving a long-term goal will likely have enormous benefits later. Long-term goals can help give you a sense of purpose and direction

To shape your future using long-term goals, you must first decide what you’re striving for. Then, you can work backward, create a to-do list, and set specific goals. Do you have work goals like moving up the corporate ladder or finding a job with flexible scheduling? Setting specific goals helps you understand yourself and develop self-awareness

It’s OK if your long-term goals shift while you work toward them. As you grow as an individual, your priorities and objectives do too. Don't be afraid to alter your efforts if you feel called in a new direction. With every long-term goal you make, the idea is to build a life where you know yourself and enjoy fulfillment. Ultimately, aiming for long-term goals is a journey of self-discovery.

How to set long-term goals

Setting goals with purpose will lead to better chances of you achieving them. Take the time to prepare before diving in. Doing the work at the beginning helps lay the groundwork for a positive and successful process.

Here are four tips to think about as you set your goals:

1. Take time to visualize

Setting long-term goals may be easier with a bit of visualization. Imagine the skills you must learn, how to care for your well-being, and which milestones you want to reach.

Are you considering a long-term goal related to work, or is what you want more personal? Whether you visualize mental images, create a vision board, or start a manifestation journal, you’ll have a clearer idea of what you want to achieve.

2. Ensure your goals are SMART

Setting SMART goals gives you a framework for developing an action plan to achieve them. SMART is an acronym that stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. While it’s not the only goal-setting framework, experts say knowing the “why” behind goals matters

SMART goals turn long-term goals from ideas into actionable steps. They also help you set realistic goals. Though setting stretch goals is good, they also need to be attainable. By setting measurable goals and monitoring your progress, you help create a sense of accomplishment. 

3. Make a list of possible challenges

Taking time to identify challenges regarding personal and professional goals can be helpful. Doing so prepares you for instances when you might have to adapt to meet your goals. But the idea isn’t to belabor all the ways things can go wrong. Instead, you’ll want to prepare for sudden changes. 

A study from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) reiterated that you should create an action plan for accomplishing your goals. The study also recommends building coping strategies into your plan. In the study, subjects used an interactive process to achieve their goals. They were encouraged to remain flexible. When one approach didn’t work, they tried another, and so on. Executing this strategy developed greater self-efficacy and allowed them to keep working on their goals. 

Additionally, understanding potential challenges can help with emotional regulation. Emotional regulation is the ability to navigate a difficult event or complex emotions without becoming overwhelmed. By leveraging your emotional regulation skills and preparing for potential setbacks, you can better adjust to challenges and changes when they occur.

4. Share your long-term goals with others

Sometimes, sharing your goals with others can help you get and stay motivated. Hearing a loved one’s enthusiasm for your long-term objectives might help you overcome self-doubt and take action. 

Another study from NLM showed there’s value in sharing your goals. It looked at two groups of people as they accomplished the same task. One group vocalized their long-term goal, while the other did not. The group that shared their objectives performed much better. Individuals who conveyed their goals felt they had more control over their actions and subsequent impacts. 

Additionally, you can share your goals with a partner to help hold yourself accountable. This person could be a trusted loved one or colleague. Ideally, it’s someone you know is rooting for your success. For some, working with a life coach is helpful to staying on track. Together, you can create a roadmap to accomplish your goals. 


Long-term goals examples by category

Long-term goals can concern any aspect of your professional or personal life. Take the time to consider which types of goals you want to set. Narrowing your focus will help you organize your life. Likewise, it can help you work toward several long-term goals at once. 

Here are some examples of long-term goals:

Personal growth and development goals

Long-term personal goals are objectives for your personal life. Often, they don’t involve other people or your career. Instead, setting long-term goals that are personal means focusing on you. 

Here are some examples of long-term personal goals:

  1. Running a marathon
  2. Learning a foreign language
  3. Traveling to another country
  4. Writing a novel

Long-term personal goals focus on your sense of accomplishment. They focus on personal development and self-improvement

Career and professional goals

Career goals are different for everyone. Often, they fit within your long-term career plan.

Some examples of long-term career goals are as follows:

  1. Earning a promotion at your current company
  2. Learning new skills that allow you to change careers
  3. Starting your own business
  4. Improving your public speaking skills
  5. Creating a career with a good work-life balance
  6. Working toward behavioral goals such as improving soft skills like active listening or time management
  7. Developing a new way to set team goals 
  8. Starting leadership coaching

Regardless of specifics, long-term goals in this category focus on evolving your professional life. Their aims often include increasing fulfillment or landing your dream job

Financial goals

Long-term financial goals are all about having enough money. Usually, this means striving to achieve financial wellness

Examples of long-term financial goals to become financially independent include:

  1. Creating multiple passive income streams for more money
  2. Increasing your savings account balance
  3. Learning about investing and the stock market
  4. Focusing on saving for retirement
  5. Saving up for a big vacation

According to 2021 research conducted by a team at NLM, about 44% of American adults self-reported that their retirement savings isn’t on track. Additionally, 26% have no retirement savings or pension at all. As you set long-term goals to improve your finances, know that you’re not alone. The same study reported that some of the most effective strategies for achieving your financial goals include:

  • Using cash instead of a credit card
  • Anticipating future regret regarding spending
  • Setting automatic savings deposits to create an emergency fund
  • Creating strict budgets 
  • Ensuring your money is difficult to access

When it comes to financial goals, having a millionaire mindset can sometimes help. This mental approach focuses on abundance and success. It helps you work toward your goals and manifest achieving them. 

Health and wellness goals

SMART health goals and wellness goals focus on your well-being. They can include your mental, emotional, or physical health. 

A few wellness goals examples include:

  1. Improving your sleep hygiene
  2. Attending counseling
  3. Working with a wellness or fitness coach
  4. Drinking more water
  5. Eating a healthy diet

Remember, your wellness goals may change over time. Just like any other long-term goal, try to maintain flexibility. Instead of rigidly adhering to a goal, feel free to shift your mindset to ensure you’re following the right path. 

Relationship and family goals

Relationship and family goals revolve around your interpersonal relationships. Whether you have friendship goals or goals for your family relationships, the aim is to strengthen your connections. 

Here are some examples of long-term relationship goals:

  1. Dedicating one day a month to getting lunch with a friend
  2. Strengthening your bond with your life partner
  3. Scheduling weekly date nights
  4. Having weekly movie nights with your family

Human connection is important for your well-being. We’re inherently social creatures, so our relationships with loved ones bring fulfillment and contentment. It’s important to prioritize these connections to find a sense of belonging. Often, setting long-term personal and professional goals is a reliable way to do so. 

6 tips for achieving long-term goals

Long-term goals require patience and perseverance. Keeping some key tips in mind can help you achieve long-term goals. 

  1. Prioritize your goals: You may not have time to work toward every long-term goal at once. Prioritize goals based on what is most important to you right now. 
  2. Set realistic goals: Achievable long-term goals are realistic. Using the goal-setting theory can help you achieve long-term goals within a specified time frame. 
  3. Define success: Success looks different for everyone. As you set long-term goals, define success and what it looks like to you. 
  4. Create a plan: Break your long-term goal into smaller goals or create a timeline. This approach will help make even the largest goals feel attainable. 
  5. Track your progress: Set goals with benchmarks to track your progress based on your plan. 
  6. Be consistent and persistent: Long-term goals are only possible over realistic timelines. You may not see immediate results, but it’s important to keep working toward them.

As you work toward your long-term goals, focus on the little wins. By accomplishing short-term goals, you can stay motivated and focused on achieving your long-term goal. 

What is the neutral zone?

The neutral zone refers to a transition period after achieving your long-term goal. It’s part of the Bridges Transition Model, a term and process coined by William Bridges. In sum, the neutral zone is the “in-between” time wherein the old is gone, but the new isn’t yet defined.

According to Bridges, psychological realignments occur during this time. You may start feeling lost, distressed, or even like you’re languishing. Yet, it’s important to remember that the neutral zone is the “seedbed for new beginnings.” You’re not alone in navigating it. 

This experience is completely normal. It happens to everyone, even those you think deal with change exceptionally well. You may question what will happen next and if everything you’ve done has been worth your while.

You may also grow nervous or frightened about what this change will bring. It’s as if you’ve been planning a solo traveling trip for months, and now, it’s the night before your flight. 

This transition period can throw you off your game. Sometimes, it can divert you from meeting your long-term goals, so it’s important to focus on how to embrace change and continue moving forward.

How to fight the neutral zone to achieve long-term goals

It’s normal and understandable to feel a mix of emotions as you near the end of your long-term goal journey. But you don’t need to let the neutral zone consume you. 

Try these three ways you can move past it:

  1. Focus on learning: Welcome opportunities to learn something new and absorb new advice and information.
  2. Use your support system: Lean on your support network of mentors, coaches, friends, or family. As you navigate this period, talk about your emotions and listen to what they offer in return.
  3. Be willing to take risks: You may encounter a unique opportunity or feel inspired to try something new. Taking risks can get you out of your comfort zone and allow you to experience something enlightening.

Create long-term goals to achieve greater life fulfillment

Accomplishing long-term goals takes time. These achievements won’t happen within the hour or this week. Long-term goals demand planning, motivation, and resilience. Above all, they require you to develop grit

Long-term goals keep you moving forward, focused, and motivated. The persistence they require helps you avoid imposter syndrome and learn how to practice self compassion. By staying focused, you can enjoy all that accomplishing a long-term goal brings.

If you need help learning to be more persistent, consider meeting with a BetterUp coach. They can help you understand the skills you need to be resilient to achieve your long-term goals. 

Transform your life

Make meaningful changes and become the best version of yourself. BetterUp's professional Coaches are here to support your personal growth journey.

Transform your life

Make meaningful changes and become the best version of yourself. BetterUp's professional Coaches are here to support your personal growth journey.

Published April 25, 2024

Audrey Webster

Audrey Webster is a content writer based in Portland, Oregon. She’s passionate about all things B2B SaaS and wellness. Her goal is to take complex topics and make them approachable, helping readers find the answers they’re seeking. When not writing, she can be found reading, hiking the PNW, traveling, and tending to her extensive plant collection.

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